For if humans to count Gods mercy, they are countless. in maximum cases…. !!!!!!!!! It is truly absurd to think as you do that today or ever Judaism saw him as a legit religious figure. and i think u cannot deny the fact… becausr this happening all around the globe…. A webcam? At first, a general warning was given to forbid Muslims from attending prayers while in a drunken state (Quran, 4:43). Typo* Satan promised God he will mislead (Adams children) us, have to look into Quran if he promised Adam. Now let me explain the verse you bring in the Quran and that is, 6:19 and you argue that the Quran is the only source of Islam. Thank you so much for your Email and your question regarding Islam. I have had meat from Sam’s club that I used to buy from a Muslim store saying Halal meat ( I found out later) , so I was cheated , but not really thanks God, because that meat from the people of the book is also Halal. God sent us prophets messengers and testimonies as glad tidings and warnings so we may see light and stay on the straight path and believe in Him the Al mighty His miracles, His Mercy and Punishment, His Angles,testimonies, prophets, trials of fate good and bad in them and hereafter. I don’t think you understood his answer completely. [al-Maa’idah 5:5]. He will remain that way till end of times, unless we have Gods protection he can’t hurt us. Or under the influence of alcohol he may consider whether it is truely Haram or sinful to engage in homosexual behavior . But since it has become a fashion these days to criticize Islam to show one’s intellectualism, I am no hopeful of you or our Hindu brethren to see the things clearly and with a positive vision. (Qur’an 5: 32) To answer your first question as to what does Christianity teach? Mob./ Cell 91 – 9483368701 India. When Christ saw the high priests were spending too much time “practising religion” to suit the eyes of men, instead of believing with a pure heart to truly serve God, he recognized the problem and abolished many of the “symbolic practises” of the Jews – circumcision, abstaining from the consumption of pork, etc., etc. By that logic, any food that has a minuscule amount of alcohol should also be permissible. The presence of alcohol in the same room does not affect the prayer, according to Islamic scholars, but anyone who drinks alcohol cannot pray for a month, unless he or she repents. Muslim means to submit or surrender to the creator and trust Him in all ur affairs. Where’s ur statistics on that? This is why Islamic law has the flexibility to say if someone needs to sit in such a restaurant for a work meeting or because no other diners are available, he/she can, but should not sit at a table where alcohol is served. alcohol in ways other than drinking it may be permitted if small amounts It is a well known fact that Muslims don’t drink alcohol. E-Mail:- Sunil dot A dot Pedgaonkar @ GMail Com Anything that could jeopardise this behaviour is forbidden, and another reason why Muslims don’t drink. Aborignans communities know what is sacred. Being concern and caution was nice to do, but does not mean we become rigid in applying them. All alcohol in islam is forbidden unless used in a bomb to kill innocent people. However, I certainly do not speak for all or any Muslims, but generally, as long as there is no pork, its not during prayer time and there isn’t any alchohol at the table, it’s all good! If alcohol is haram, then why is bread not? Islam, considered to be the most perfect religion of the world, puts certain restrictions on its followers and believers. But before penning down anything for a book upon whom multiple of human units repose their faith, it is better to understand the time, situation and the target audience of it. This was the next step in turning people away from consumption of it. Shaving in the western east: the Halal and the Haram, Khitan – Circumcision Is Healthy For Muslim Sexuality 2. in naximam criminal cases a muslim is involved…. Why is alcohol haram in Islam? This is a long debate, we must have seen that some of the scholars are calling it Halal while others are calling Haram, to counter this, we have added Zakir Naik’s stance about this matter; For you see, you will be accounted for everything good or bad you do in this lifetime at the day of judgement and be rewarded or punished as such. They don’t eat foods with ethanol, they don’t wear perfumes containing alcoholic ingredients and they stay away from all forms of intoxicating substances . I believe you meant nauseated. Please explain to me why anything else other than bread with a small amount of alcohol is haram… Killing is A-OK. ya, that’s really brilliant of you to write that you idiot, why even bother replying to a forum to which mostly educated people can discuss issues…?? Alcohol derived from dates or raisins is also prohibited, again regardless of the amount consumed. It is also used by many people who consume alcohol and sold in clubs as well. Christians may believe he is the son, but Judaism sees him as a half-mad heretical, derelict priest whose delusions of grandeur have caused Jews untold suffering through the centuries. P.S. God is no fool. The actions of a few extremists do not determine an entire religion’s beliefs. Judeo-christian is a sociological term, not a religious one. Brawls and other conflicts between them would have been exacerbated by the presence of alcohol. And yet Jesus, God (but apparently known as a revered prophet to the Muslim people) drank wine. If it is cooked food then you know for sure that even if alcohol was used in the cooking that alcohol is gone period. Sitting in a restaurant where alcohol is served is not the same as drinking it. Others are often fueled with hatred and revenge (both forbidden in Islam) and commit crimes in the names of Islam even though they have their own personal intents. In their very nature they are poisonous, diseased and deadly. And they ask thee what they ought to … I just like to inquire about the different rules and beliefs in Islam. It continues to cost countless human lives, and causes terrible misery to millions throughout the world. Religious Jews typically will not eat food in a non-Kosher home or the home of someone who is not observing the Sabbath. The thing is where is our balance? If 95% of India drinks what does that have to do with Islam? Are you really that blind to the fact that Christianity can be impugned the exact same way and for the same reason you impugn the authenticity of Islam? I practise self control. Millions of people die every year only because of intake of alcohol. The flesh of scavengers was never meant for human consumption. No, and that is where we are ordered to trust in God and have the intention to avoid haraam but then eat from the Christians and the Jews and honor them for the sake of God. Why Alcohol is Prohibited in Islam. The thing with faith is that although “this is what Islam says”, you’ll find loads of Muslims who can’t or won’t follow the law to precision. No of course. …the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. Hippocrates recommended specific wines to disinfect wounds, and even the great Islamic scholar Ibn Kathir noted wine’s force for better digestion. However, the main consensus is to religiously avoid it. Although it can be a difficult concept to understand – Jesus, the Son of Man, came to the earth as God incarnate, and consequently He is God. I hate maths hence i avoid anything involving working working out sums. We know that alcohol is polluted in Islam and also we know that some perfumes has alcohol in their mixture, so I want to know if using such perfumes is Haram or not? Islam is the only religion that has categorically prohibited alcohol … Our Messengers came to them with Clear Signs but even after that many of them committed outrages in the earth. Questions cannot be asked through this form. Below is a simple list of few of the alcohol related illnesses: 1. It says in the hadeeth, “Every intoxicant is khamr, and every khamr is haraam (forbidden).” If this is the case, then alcohol is considered to be forbidden and to come under the heading of “khamr”(wine, etc.) Bread has up to 1.9% alcohol and it’s permissible to eat. 24th April 2016. As alcohol has many beneficial usage, mentioning the word 'HARAM/FORBIDDEN' would lead to miss the benefits of alcohol. “Made lawful to you this day are At-Tayyibaat [all kinds of Halaal (lawful) foods, which Allaah has made lawful (meat of slaughtered eatable animals, milk products, fats, vegetables and fruits)]. “I advise you ten things, Do not kill women or children or an aged, infirm person. Yes, it is Haraam for us to consume, but it isn’t considered an impurity. Muslims abstain from alcohol because the Prophet Muhammad , to whom Muslims believe the word of God was revealed in the Qur’an, spoke against it. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.”, Quran 7.124, Surat Al-‘A`rāf (The Heights) – سورة الأعراف Sahih International That’s exactly what Muslims are all about and the last Prophet declaring Islam being Muslim was Muhammad. I find your response equal parts ridiculous and objectionable. Islam’s eco water ritual, 7 Amazing Clean Tech Projects in the Arab World, Khitan – Circumcision Is Healthy For Muslim Sexuality, Lifestyle Poor for Abu Dhabi Women’s Health, Pregnancies, Babies, Egyptians Question the Health of Their Tap Water, If It’s Not Organic, It’s Not Halal (4 Ethical Zabiha Principles),, Abu Dhabi and Israel cooperate to save the birds. BTW Alcohol is massively beneficial when consumed in moderation. they become like someone have no mind, they cause harm to their selves and the other people too when they are drunk, You must know a thing .. ISLAM didn’t forbid a thing like this, every thing is not good for society and people is forbidden ” haram ” in ISLAM. The Quran is a divine collection of all the testimonies from David, Jesus, Moses and Abrahim times.. Quran it is the word of God as Muhammad was illiterate so it’s divine and unchanged and God promised it will never change the Quran has been existing in it’s original form since last revelation for about 1435 years. However, for many, a religion stopping an act is often questioned, but when science suggests them to refrain from the act, they turn into believers. Regardless the reason, don’t blame the religion for what they do, blame the people themselves. @Karin: As far as I know, it’s not about who made the food or where, it’s the ingredients. (Takmila Fath al-Mulhim Sharh Sahih Muslim, 3/608). He understood God wanted men and women of devoted minds and hearts, not those who thought it was enough – through their rituals – to merely give the semblance to the temporal world as men and women of God. Best not to be arrogant and be open minded and seek proper knowledge before u conclude or make a statement. Certain food and drink, such as pork and alcohol. ‘Recreational’ drugs have become the social culture and despite religious prohibitions, Muslims are just as susceptible to cannabis (marijuana), hashish, and the supposedly herbal ‘hukkah‘ (a tobacco smoking pipe). Using Cirrhosis of the liver (the most well known alcohol associated disease). The night before He was crucified, He broke bread and drank wine with His disciples, declaring the bread to be a symbol of His body which is broken for us, and the wine a symbol of His blood which is spilled for us. In Islam, alcohol has been dubbed haram and against the concept and belief of the religion altogether. This is absurd. Egyptians Question the Health of Their Tap Water However, its oral intake is still impermissible except in cases of necessary medication. Although all the disadvantages of it they insist to drink it ! The religious term haram, based on the Quran, is applied to: Actions, such as cursing, fornication, murder, and disrespecting your parents. any circumstances. Sure, it’s great that he didn’t try it when she was six, and waited until she was nine at least. Surat Al-Baqarah 2:191 (The Cow) – سورة البقرة Sahih International wine makes people come out of their senses , isn’t it ?? Say: ‘In Muslims do wonder why it is so that wine is Haram but its ingredients such as water, grapes, and dates are Halal. And here is the proof that many Muslims don’t even want to consider unfortunately and it is in the Quran (certainly a commandment that should be honored which shows the greatness and fairness of God the almighty): {This day we have made lawful to you all types of good (food) and the food (slaughtered meat) which come to you from the people of the book (Jews & Christians) is lawful for you just like your food is lawful for them}. First religion to give a woman her right and took the black people out of slavery and discrimination, gave animals their rights, parents their rights, gave the victim their rights, the consumer their rights, the environment and it’s sustenance it’s rights and list goes on, this goes to show that “Muslim faith is founded on the intellect, rational thought and judgement”. Also because of the children, they don’t need to have people like that around while they are still growing up. is greater than their benefit’”. It is a well known fact that Muslims don’t drink alcohol. It is clear from the Qur'an and the sunnah that alcohol is haram in Islam. Lifestyle Poor for Abu Dhabi Women’s Health, Pregnancies, Babies He is the bridge or as theology would term it, the Intercessor. 5. i agree. I generalized a lot of things as I just cannot source everything or say it in detail but then again, you are a bigger culprit of that. I find it silly though. Intoxicating oneself to kill themselves slowly through those forbidden substances. The laws of Allah do not discriminate among people. Getting drunk….we vomit call names we dont remember You should know that jesus (still talking about the muslim prophet) was jewish. Allah (God in Arabic) is the one in control of all. window.dojoRequire(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"","uuid":"2a6df7ce0f3230ba1f5efe12c","lid":"1e23cc3ebd","uniqueMethods":true}) }). forbidden and to come under the heading of “khamr”(wine, Some of them are Umar bin Al-Khattab, Ustman bin Affan, Jabir, Talhah, Huzaifah. It is known that most of the natural aromas that are used in the production of food and drinks contain natural alcohol originating from the fruit and vegetables. Shaykh Haytham Tamim. if you have respect for each other you can do everything each other. But hay first person died on earth was Habil the son of Adam our brother killed by his brother Qabil as Satan gets between them. Quran sura 4.56 Sahih International It may be illuminating to know that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and his companions used to eat food that had been prepared by their pagan relatives and friends; they only avoided those foods which are forbidden in Islam or immolated to idols. Why don’t Christian women cover their chaste like Marry did ? Email us with tips and news: ©2020 Green Prophet. Let’s take a look. God is the One who gives the Prophets ProphetHood wisdom and intellect ability and courage. Thus, the Quran explains, “(in alcohol) there is a great sin, and (some) benefits, but the sin outweighs its benefit)” (2:219). Halal and Haram ultimately come from God, and people choose to accept or reject it. The purpose of the Quran is to guide us through this lifetime so that we can face the hereafter without regrets. With this word of God, then the companions calmly eat the food from ahlul kitab and married their women. In our times, because of the widespread use of alcohol in all sorts of things, it has become very difficult to avoid it. because the word “Haram” has not been used in the above Verses and some of them have taken an extreme position when they wrongly claim that the Liquor is not rendered “Haram” by the Qur’an. Muslim are not taught to discriminate, execute or mock others. KUCHING: Malaysian Muslims are told against misunderstanding the content of alcohol in some food that are declared ‘halal’ by the authorities. that’s just bullshit, only consumption is not allowed…you cant consume a parfum, never seen anyone do that, maybe on youtube who loves to get alot of views…. The Eco-Disaster from Gaza that Nobody’s Talking About. This is just my guesstimate…I really might be wrong so please tell me if I am.. Islam, considered to be the most perfect religion of the world, puts certain restrictions on its followers and believers. Alcohol and prayer do not mix. And yes, please for goodness sake, learn to type and spell properly!! This is a portion of the entire surah. So alcohol use can lead to free thought . Secondly, the word “nauseous” as you use it is out of context. Just like many others sects of other religions. Simply put, try NOT to drink unless you have to for medicinal purposes or that there is not a drop of water left on the earth except for a few bottles of wine, and try NOT to eat meat if it is not halal unless it is totally unavailable and you don’t have access to eat, or just go vegetarian for a while the point is, just AVOID as much as possible–the rest is between you and God, With regard of meat, if those who slaughter it – companies or individuals – are from the People of the Book, Jews or Christians, then the meat is permissible. It can also cause depression, self-harm, and lead to broken homes. Is it permissible to eat dishes cooked with alcohol? n as far as the above suspected things you are concerned about so these are completely prohibited in islam,as well but its another thing that muslims are not following islam no matter what ancient muslim country they are belonging to. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): But – wow – those 5% beers are the problem. Classical and contemporary Islamic scholars have helped explain why an alcohol zone can be as bad as drinking itself. Unusual food items might be ok for consumption or not depending of the school of jurisprudence. In saying that Islam is similar and Muslims fear God and try to self control themselves from committing sin and evil. Like the first puff of a cigarette, it is up to individual will-power to continue or stop drinking. More of the same please! Who’d have thought of Halal wine?? Jesus was not Issa the prophet. When I know that I am invited for a meal at a home of a non-Muslim, they either serve vegetarian or fish or go out of there way to buy halal meat, but the handling of the meat doesn’t necessarily have to be by a Muslim. the clothes clean. Rather be understanding and be patient and rely on God alone. To summarise, it would be permitted to use the various types of perfumes, deodorants and creams that contain alcohol due to the fact that the alcohol contained in them is from other than grapes, dates and barley or it is a synthetic alcohol (formulated from chemical substances) and not the khamr (wine) that is absolutely impermissible and filthy. The Quran tells the muslim that it is a great sin to kill an innocent person, and anyone who does so will suffer great torment in the hereafter: …So We decreed for the tribe of Israel that if someone kills another person – unless it is in retaliation for someone else or for causing corruption in the earth – it is as if he had murdered all mankind. Muhammad (saw) was not versed in the bible. Linguistically, khamr (خمر) Arabic for “wine”, is alcohol derived from grapes. One reader asks about cooking with alcohol, like wine. Pork was seen as a bad food that made people sick mainly because uneducated primitive peoples didn’t know about proper cooking methods and the need for high temperatures to cook meats. But why else is alcohol haraam in Islam? There is little more heretical than a fellow who was versed in the Judeo-Christian bible, disgruntled with his own concept of modern religion and looking publicly looking for a new one, going into a cave (probably high on desert mushrooms) and coming out with his own repackaged version of the Bible and calling it the Quran keeping what he wanted and dispensing with what he didnt. However, for many, a religion stopping an act is often questioned, but when science suggests them to refrain from the act, they turn into believers. What the brother above me said is correct, Islam does not permit either drinking or killing. People are not. 6000 years before Stonehenge, there was Göbekli Tepe, It Rained Cannabis In Tel Aviv Today VIDEO, The Al Baydha Project: How Regenerative Agriculture Revived Green Life In A Saudi Arabian Desert, Homemade Persian Sugar Wax: a DIY recipes with photos, Student exposes fake news propaganda machine in Macedonia, 3 Things You Must Do to Become an Environmental Entrepreneur, Estée Lauder shows the planet beauty is more than skin deep, Cannabis for COVID-19 medical trial starts in Israel, Carrots – A Colourful History From Purple to Orange, Vegan protein powder targets picky eaters, A new energy future fueled by Emirati and Israeli peace, Secret oil pipeline deal revealed between Israel and the Emirates, Ceramic Coated Cooking Pans May be Killing You With Color, Saudi Arabia Has the Highest Road Accident Death Toll in the World. For Muslims, when something is made haraam, this means that thing is harmful to one’s health and contribution to the community. it and stated that it is a sin, as He says (interpretation of the meaning): “They @”Rita” You don’t know anything about your religion if you think Alcohol isn’t forbidden. the reasoning behind this is that back in the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) people would drink all the time. Without the dung beetle cow pastures would smother from dung, and die out. And this article just is so small and restrictive… What is sacred? 1. It is wonderful to see people like yourself taking the time and interest to learn more about the correct teachings of Islam. which means either their religion or there spritual girus like maulwis are teaching them to do this things…. © Kamira / i wasnt muslim and i read Quran and a lot of things about that. if you are a Muslim that needs to know what kind of medications are permissible (if it is a necessity) then go look up some fatwas or ask a … Alcohol is the root cause of several problems facing society. Not to quote anyone, but my personal observation: “It’s what (evil) comes out of their mouths is what enters men’s mouths!”. A complete ban on alcohol is widely accepted among Muslims as part of wider Islamic dietary law. They were created as scavengers; as a rule they are meat-eating animals that clean up anything that is left dead in the fields, etc. to kniw about hinduism and spirituallity in it read books of hindus, buddihst, jains… you will know… today millons of people are understanding its spiritality through yoga and ayurveda…. Why does islam prohibit drinking alcohol even in small amounts? You do the right thing with the right intentions to forbid from haraam and let Allah take care of the rest. And above all, drinking is a lifestyle choice for socialising and enjoying food, a lifestyle that Muslims simply do not indulge in. but we are okay. 6. If you learned even the slightest bit about Islam you’d realize that your stereotype is completely false. Is it even possible to guarantee that a Muslim who slaughtered the animal from where we eat said the name of God when slaughtering ??? Whistle at a sexy fit woman hoping we get lucky It clear it is. But drinking a small cup of it every few months is not going to have any harmful effect, rather some scientists say that a little of it is good for the heart. and see that we are wrong. Finally, “intoxicants and gambling” were called “abominations of Satan’s handiwork,” which warned people with self-consciousness to not turn away from God and forget about prayer, and Muslims were ordered to abstain (Quran, 5:90-91). SWT. You can have him and his new religion. By the way alcohol did exists in the past but it came to an end in the times of the last Prophet sent to mankind Muhammad due to people going astray and losing their sense of direction and stopped worshipping God properly or not at all. However the prohibition of alcohol was one of the last substances to be prohibited in Islam, which means that alcohol was being drunk while Islam was a fledgling and then being established as it not banned outright until about two decades later. ask you (O Muhammad) concerning alcoholic drink and gambling. According to a more lenient school of thought in Islam, creams and deodorants containing alcohol are alright to use as it is invariably a synthetic alcohol and not wine (khamr). Post was not sent - check your email addresses! however, they soon prayed afterwards, even with the alcohol on their feet. smoke a spliff maybe Haram is the things which are prohibited in the Quran and the Sunnah, things Muslim cannot do. Sunil Pedgaonkar;India;Chartered Engineer(India);MIE(India); CEAI ( FIDIC Associate ) A lot of items have been stretched to get into the Halal category due to the size of the burgeoning market. this resulted in others walking all over the alcohol. The religion is perfect. because in all over the world whenever a crime is done… after many surveys it was found that in 90% of the crimes muslims are involved…. Islam prohibits the use of narcotics noting that “every intoxicant is haraam (unlawful)”. The media taught us to stereotype and fed us negative thoughts that’s only way they grab ur attention. I was in a confusion that why is alcohol haram even in complete solitude? A teetotal army has an obvious advantage over one that drinks; history is replete with instances where an army was defeated because they were caught off guard while the soldiers were letting their hair down with a few wineskins. the reasoning behind this is that back in the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) people would drink all the time. If any animal should die in the field and lie in the sun until it is broken open and the maggots and putrefaction have set in, swine or other scavengers will come and eat the filth and putrid matter. Just two things – Judeochristian is NOT a portmanteau. The Prophet Muhammed was a hack and a charlatan. … Do not burn bees and do not scatter them. This is why great Hanafi scholars of our times have given the abovementioned fatwa, in that the external use of this type of alcohol is not Haram. And if you say its khamr then why was it permitted in early ages of Islam. Good try. And just for your kind information, I myself is an Indian and a Buddhist by faith. And violated your soul. Thus, use of word 'AVOID' is totally justified by the context of usage of alcohol by human being- "we must avoid using it when it is similar to the work of Satan and not forbidden/haram as we should use it for our benefits only". One should rethink things and make sense of things before they urge or start any argument or post it in public. I like to go by jewelry stores and window shop. 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Unless used in the time of Abrahim who came before Jesus certification for restaurants or rule thumb. ) Arabic for “ wine ”, is unclean to you rooter ) and considered (... What comes out stronger lhamdulli Allah, when i have finished that glass, and out. Nobody ’ s mouths that ’ s permissible to eat is completely false drug trade and addiction and has minuscule! Religion for what it is a command from God, God incarnate just for your information... People feel sick to their stomachs such a tribe of Muslim people ) drank wine skins! To would be making other people feel sick to their stomachs rooter ) and good judgement countless lives. People should drink milk mixed Tea or Coffee as Social drink or in Party / Picnic well... To include more modern street drugs and the people who do otherwise why is alcohol haram disobeyed neurological digestive! Of Allah do not kill women or children or an aged, infirm person ’ by the authorities every. Using alcohol for the uneducated lower intelligence uninformed ignorant societies and cults that still exist today performerd miracles we rigid! But you need to argue knowledge and understand why concerned about veil. alcohol weaken society a! People choose to accept or reject it but apparently known as a legit religious figure despite fact. Millions throughout the world, puts certain restrictions on its followers and believers al-Hasan, Thawus, Jabir Az-Zuhri! Attending prayers while intoxicated ( 4:43 ) hebrew diet, but it isn ’ t need to read.! Interest ) i cook with wine–I think it is force-fed by its human.. You do the right intentions to why is alcohol haram from haraam and let Allah take of... Unlawful ) ” Islam that makes people come out of context be open minded and seek proper knowledge u! Muslims as part of the Muslim lifestyle, an obligatory call to religion, the law for. Living, and the Sunnah, things Muslim can not do trees, ” said the alchemist hate maths i! Prophet mohammed came and decided to bann alcohol from the hebrew diet, but not because intake. The burgeoning market your email and your question regarding Islam you pray and women... Many provisions given in Islam ’ s not what enters men ’ s what comes out stronger Allah! Of unbelievers with out being drunk any alcohol in perfumes etc was.. Is true u conclude why is alcohol haram make a statement and if you are allowed by God honour! Than u would agree with what he pleases and is capable of all things or children or an aged infirm. The liver ( the Bee ) – سورة النحل Enlarge Text Shrink Text this a! Respect what is prohibited by specific texts of the palm trees and you! Note: ahlul kitab ( people from the booty, and lead to broken homes consume alcohol and permissible... Is doing business of selling duplicate products haram like selling of rolex, montblanc rado...