Actually viable DPS most likely (none of us know how Classic will be tuned in the end). Reply Delete. You messed up the pyroblast example as spells were hardcapped at 100% coefficient until later. Your resistance against five of these schools are displayed in your character information. This means it's coefficient is =6/3.5 or 171.4%. Twitch, Discord & Patreon Twitch Discord Show some extra support on Patreon to unlock perks. [Divine Illumination] reduces the mana cost of all spells by 50% for 15 sec. [Basic Coefficient] = [Cast Time] / [Reference Cast Time] = 2.5 / 3.5 = 0.714 Spells also benefit from your gear and stat bonuses. Get Free Spell Damage Vs Int Classic now and use Spell Damage Vs Int Classic immediately to get % off or $ off or free shipping 2.4. = (142 + (500 * 0.5)) * 1.05 The duration and cast time limitations are then applied: Your resistance against five of these schools are displayed in your character information. Spells you already know are moved to the bottom. A tooltip is now shown, displaying the recommended spell rank. You can click on the top row of each column to sort by that factor. Wowpedia Wowpedia Enchant Weapon - Spell Power. [Effective Coefficient] = [Basic Coefficient] * (1 - [Sub Level 20 Penalty] A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. It reads "Increases damage done by spells by up to X", meaning it can be less. Jonjonho Member. For example, if you have 20 additional Spell Damage from gear, then this will simply affect your spells as follows: Damage Increase per spell cast = … 13 of 226 = … The added damage or healing is divided equally among each tick of the spell and the standard formula is: The resulting recommended rank is chosen by maximizing HES (see next section) for the given Healing Power. You can be a back-up healer and even to some degree in your dps gear due to the large amounts of spell power. Example talent bonus: Shadow Word: Pain - 18 / 3 = 6 ticks. thorns has a 3.3% spell damage coefficient thorns (rank 8) with brambles would deal [73 + (spell damage * 0.033)] * 1.75 = T T=reflective damage from thorns if the recipient of thorns has any additional damage modifiers or the attacker has any damage multiplier debuffs those would also be factored in at the time of the reflective damage When hit by a spell, characters have two chances to resist the spell. They always say "up to x amount" they don't say they flat increase. Which results in the actual power being: HpME = [Actual Power] / [Mana Cost] 8 ticks = 16.66%/tick. Spell Hit Chance is an attribute that can be found on items. 100% bonus, 6 ticks = 16.66%/tick 2/2 improved sw:pain = adds 2 ticks. Class forum Mage Hit chance vs ... spell-power more effective and increasing hit has diminishing returns (due to spell-power becoming worth more). Themmovendor Selling WoW Classic gold on all EU/US realmGuaranteed Best Price! The coefficient is calculated by: The coefficient may be more or less than 100%, depending on various spell factors. All talents or buffs that increase the damage or healing from spells are applied after the coefficient calculations. It gets 55.36% of bonus healing (being 77.5% * 2.5/3.5). Instant cast spells are considered 1.5 second cast times. All cast times are considered before any spell haste or casting time talents are applied. The way the SC is calculated depends on the nature of the spell, there are some general rules for how to calculate the SC, but as with all rules there are exceptions and a few spells such as Frost Nova and Lay on Hands, have their own modifiers. Fügt einem Gegenstand, der sich an einem Bein- oder Kopfplatz befindet, dauerhaft +8 auf Heilungs- und Schadenszauber hinzu. NOTE: The values you have selected earlier such as Healing Power, Talents and tuning of the HES Slider within the spell details window, will all be applied. Lightwell receive a 164.8% spell power coefficient per tick, or 494.5% per charge if you prefer. This add-on provides an interactive and easy to use interface that allows you to set your own blessings (Righteous Fury, Aura, Seal and Blessings) and automatically checks for missing buffs with an easy to read indicator. Simple question and I'm looking for a simple answer. let me google that for you: vanilla wow spell coefficients. And when specced in Mortal Strikes 5/5, in addition to the other talents, arcane shot has 140% critical strike spellpower scaling! Because this is the class I want to play. Many paladin abilities receive bonus damage from both attack power and spell power. Reply. Which, is not too shabby. The way the SC is calculated depends on the spell mechanics, there are some general rules for how to calculate the SC, in addition to this a few spells have unique SCs due to balance. Start by selecting which spells you want to compare, and input the rank you want to use for that spell. In letzter Zeit nimmt sich Blizzard vielen Themen rund um World of Warcraft Classic an. Avoidance, Melee combat table & Rules 2. The first chance is based on the character's level. This was introduced during Vanilla WoW in order to counter the unforseen power of downranking spells a lot. The base damage increases with the spells rank. HpS = [Actual Power] / [Cast time] The penalty is multiplied after other coefficients. If you enjoyed the tool please consider a donation! The result is a tool that will help players choose the most mana efficient healing spell ranks! Spell power coefficients do not depend on your actual level." Protection [Touched by the Light] increases your spell power by an amount equal to 20/40/60% of your Strength and increases the amount healed by your critical heals by 10/20/30%. These coefficients are before talents and gear improvements! Do we have some kind of table of spell coefficients? [Direct spell coefficient] = [Cast Time of Spell] / 3.5 Rounding. If an item "increases spell damage by 50", and I cast a spell that normally does 50 damage, I would expect to end up with a spell that deals 100 damage (before enemy resistances). It typically does not vary within the same spell, but the lowest and highest ranks of some spells have different casting times or durations, which can … Base damage is quite good, but its hardly anything that makes up for the lack of scaling. The penalty coefficient is (100% - (20-X)*3.75%). Add comment. Direct spell effects are subjectable to critical hits, and over time effects are not. The Spell Coefficient (SC) is the factor that the +Healing or Spell damage is multiplied with in order to determine the final power of the spell. Direct spells are spells that only have a direct impact such as Holy Light or Healing Touch. Edit 2: Also, if you read carefully the text doesn't say "Increases damage done by spells by X". let me google that for you: vanilla wow spell coefficients leads to this reddit post that's fairly reasonably accepted. Channeled or cast spell longer than 3.5sec is calculated as 3.5 cast spell. Home Forums > The World of Warcraft > Classic WoW > 19s (Vanilla) > Spell Power Coefficient at 19? thorns has a 3.3% spell damage coefficient thorns (rank 8) with brambles would deal [73 + (spell damage * 0.033)] * 1.75 = T T=reflective damage from thorns if the recipient of thorns has any additional damage modifiers or the attacker has any damage multiplier debuffs those would also be factored in at the time of the reflective damage Pally Power Classic is based on version 3.0 from the Wrath of the Lich King days. trefer Private . Is this going to be an issue in classic wow. Replies. The following applies to all spells: % of damage/healing applied= (base cast time of the spell)/3.5 As an example, pyroblast has a 6 second base casting time. After testing for 10 minutes on Servant of Razelikh with Seal of the Crusader active (40% haste) 226 white hits landed, 13 Drain Life procs. The coefficient is calculated by dividing the cast time of a spell by 3.5. Rules for calculating the coefficient are discussed in the sections that follow. As compared to Devouring Plague which is also a 24second based DoT which gains 160% of spell power. Again, values came out to 110 to 111 damage range, or 25.9% of spell damage being applied. 2/2 improved sw:pain = adds 2 ticks. The HpME and HpS are quite straight forward, and calculated as: That's right, it's once again time to try out another unusual spec on the burning crusade server! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Birchwood-sulfuras 2 October 2019 18:11 #1. hi, im currently in the process to make myself a exel spreadsheet comparing all heals whit or whiout talents based on a few facts i have read over the internet my goal is here to confirm said facts in order to make sure my formulas are ok. 1 - Are those power coefficient OK ? [Over-Time coefficient] = 0.513 CharacterStatsClassic is an addon for WoW Classic which displays more character stats than the default WoW's interface, inspired by the TBC UI . However, this does NOT mean that this is the only rank you should use, the result only shows what rank will be most efficient, it is still up to you as a player to decide, situationally, when efficiency or healing throughput is most important! Live PTR Beta Classic. Crit is not used during hit calculations because it affects the hit and spell-power evenly. The Spell Coefficient is the amount of bonus healing or bonus spell damage that a spell benefits from. Frost / shadow ward for example. Zuletzt wurde die Änderung am Loot Trading und die Basis für das Alteractal von Classic bekannt gegeben. [Crit Coefficient] = (1 + (1 + 10/100)) / 2 = 1.05 See also, Magic schools. If you are/do not, please do not feel discouraged. 1 for rank 1 fireball, 6 for rank 2 etc.) Discussion in '19s (Vanilla)' started by Jonjonho, Jan 3, 2020. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The standard formula for hybrid spells is: I suppose the mana problem also depends a little on how willing you are to play the World of Farm or World of Auction House. Quite simply, how do these coefficients actually work? Arcane Missiles is the only Arcane themed single-target spell in WoW Classic, and also the only Mage spell that you can reliably cast without being interrupted by damage in PvP, specifically when using Improved Arcane Missiles, and especially against melee players since it will auto-track them as they jump around you. I have tried all of these addons in classic and none have worked checking if anyone else has had any luck with … The following applies to all spells: % of damage/healing applied= (base cast time of the spell)/3.5. Do poisons benefit the new 8% spelldamage buffs like the one on Master Poisoner? [Over-Time coefficient] = ([Duration] / 15) * [Over-Time part] From these two we calculate the Healing Efficiency Score HES as: 9000+ completed orders! With 1800 spell power (level 80 blues), this heals for about 4500 a tick. I remember hunter's stacking + Healing gear to tank bosses was a thing at one point but eventually got nerfed. Coefficients are simple, though not particularly easy for math on the fly for most. Will there be a good way to find out what these are? Bonus is the same. There was an exception for mages where their talent reducing fireball casting time also reduced the damage of fireballs, but this has been corrected in the meantime. What's Training? I believe the greens that have a flat +spell damage (of shadow wrath, of nature's wrath, etc) function differently. Healing touch is easier and offers another example. Spell Coefficient. Theorycraft, SpellTips, Mydamage, Drdamage, Spelldamage are all addons that once added spell damage coefficients of classic and display that number for you so you could better figure out how much spell dmg = how much of a spell damage gain and how much int = how much crit %. In this tool, critical chance is applied to the direct part of spells, as a static factor: The formula for this is: (20 - [Spell Level]) * 0.0375 = [Sub Level 20 Penalty] Critical effect chance. The result is a tool that will help players choose the most mana efficient healing spell ranks! Example: Healing Touch(Rank 3) is available at level 14 and has a 2.5 second base cast time. With Classic coming up soon I've been feeling too exited to play any other game, and since I still have no key to the Beta, I decided to make better use of my time than drooling over Beta videos and streams. These two are the most straigt forward, since they are comprised of a single dividing factor. (1 + (1 + [Critical effect chance]/100)) / 2 = [Crit Coefficient]. Enchant Weapon - Spell Power - Spell. [Actual Power] = ([Base Power] + ([Extra Power] * [Effective Coefficient])) * [Crit Coefficient] With Classic coming up soon I've been feeling too exited to play any other game, and since I still have no key to the Beta, I decided to make better use of my time than drooling over Beta videos and streams. The rank selection is based on a Healing Efficiency Score (HES), which is derived from the combination of Healing per Mana Efficiency (HpME) and Healing per Second (HpS) Share This Page. The difference is 150 damage. 0 hit. It just sucks stacking up as much spellpower you can at the expense of stamina and health but actually getting shafted because of the coefficients being off. With spell power, it is 850. If you are playing a class with a mana bar in Classic WoW, then you are most likely somewhat familiar with these terms: Intellect, Spirit, Mp5, Critical Strike/Heal and Spell Power. All donations will go to further improvements to the site, and keeping it up and running. I get it and I used to think that too but now I realize that withholding formulas and specific information makes theorycrafting and discovery necessary. The rank selection is based on a Healing Efficiency Score (HES), which is derived from the combination of Healing per Mana Efficiency (HPME) and Healing per Second (HpS). The Spell Coefficient (SC) is the factor that your Healing or Spell power is multiplied with in order to determine the final power of the spell. A detailed description can be found in the calculations section The result of the function above is what is used when calculating HpME, HpS and finally HES. As an example, pyroblast has a 6 second base casting time. WoW Classic General Discussion. Meaning without any gear or stat bonuses, that is how much damage the spell does. From pm_me_ur_hamiltonian on Reddit If you have access to the Ahn'Qiraj spells, check the checkbox. Spell Critical Strike allows your spells to occasionally deal extra damage. This is because a 3.5 second cast benefits from 100% of your gear's Spell Damage. Bonus damage/healing mechanics 2. All ticking and still (lets say) 30 seconds le… Thus the actual power of the spell is: Explaining Spell Coefficients. Fill out the talents to match your own talent points. Bonus is the same. That is exacly 100% of your spell power. 4: the rank of the spell, or actually wich lvl you got the spell. ... [Selling] UD Male 80 Mage 3200 spell power, 1000 resil for pvp. The portion of your spell power which is contributed to a particular spell is referred to as the spell power coefficient. I find it somewhat infuriating how poorly many essential mechanics in WoW are actually conveyed to the players. SP = Spell Damage from gear, Crit = Your total spell crit chance, Hit = Your + hit from gear *(After you have replaced the SP/Hit/Crit you can simply copy the entire thing and paste it into windows calculator. The addon has two columns with drop downs for different categories of stats: - Base Stats - Melee - Ranged - Spell - Defenses . Typically, this follows the formula: [Cast Time of Spell] / 3.5 = [Coefficient]. Spell Critical Strike. The sections below will describe how this tool calculates Spell Coefficients, should you encounter any errors your are welcome to report a bug, or create a pull request. This means it's coefficient is =6/3.5 or 171.4%. Keep in mind that these talents simply add extra ticks of damage or healing for the same amount that the spell would do otherwise. [Over-Time part] = ([Duration] / 15) / (([Duration] / 15) + ([Cast Time] / 3.5)) Lightwell has the highest HPM (healing per mana spent ratio) of any healing spell in the game. 852 dmg per frostbolt. Anything that isn't on the list up there or in the datamine does not scale with +spelldam ("Spell Power" as a stat only existed from patch 3.0-7.0), I left out a few items that come in later phases though because they haven't been confirmed as scaling or not, but yeah the Fiery Blaze Enchant was hand-tested with a load of +spelldam and no scaling was detected. Additionally, the retribution talent [Sheath of Light]causes 30% of attack power to be gained as spell power, indirectly increasing the effectiveness of all spells. Up to a maximum of 200%. I just got this weapon tonight on Classic WoW It has 0% Spell power scaling. … Improvements Talents Holy [Purifying Power] reduces the mana cost of Cleanse and Consecration by 5/10%. Int per Crit ratios/Spell Crit mechanics/Spell Hit/Resistances Melee 1. For the former Mage talent, see Spell Power (mage talent). Sign in. Class-specific damage/healing coefficients + Attack Power Coefficients 3. Spell power is an attribute that increases the effect of spells. All DoT/HoT durations are considered before any duration buffs or talents are applied. The formula for this is: Don't you dare point out I said spell power, instead of damage, I'm tired of the community swarming any one who says spell power in vanilla forums, "+x to spell damage and healing" has been referred to as spell power long before they changed to the spell power title and they Function exactly the same in terms of spell damage. Somit sind zwei sich gleichzeitig schafende Magier möglich. Each spell (or each component of each spell) which causes damage or healing has a spell power coefficient which determines how much of your bonus damage or bonus healing will be applied to the spell. Hybrid possibilities - You can cleanse mid swing. That being said, I don’t see myself prioritising arcane spell power at the cost of huge amounts of int (chiefly). 8 ticks > 6 ticks = more damage done. Hello, I have a purely warlock question: Let's say I have UA, Corruption, Agony, Haunt and Immolate on a target. Over-Time spells includes both Damage over time (DoTs) and Healing over Time (HoTs), such as Rejuvenation or Curse of Agony. Then I did another test at 166 spell damage. I love the spell power enhance shaman build. All in one. Click the button "Spell details" to open the advanced user's window to look at breakpoints and much more! Without spell power, it would be 700. Spell power is found primarily on trinkets as an on use effect, but can also be increased with potions. The problem with the spell is the spell power coefficient only being 120%. You will be presented with a graph of how they perform against eachother in respect to Healing, Mana cost, HpME, HpS and HES. Somethings I've noticed on the server is that the average base damage of frostbolt is about 455 and the spellpower coefficient is about 0.814 (which it should be 3.0/3.5*0.95). The Spell Coefficient (SC) is the factor that your Healing or Spell power is multiplied with in order to determine the final power of the spell. Tweet. [Direct part] = 1 - [Over-Time portion] Typically, this follows the formula: [Cast Time of Spell] / 3.5 = [Coefficient]. The coefficient is calculated by dividing the cast time of a spell by 3.5. DISCLAIMER: Regrowth does not actually follow this standard formula and instead has its own spell specific coefficients as: These are generally damaging abilities, however there are exceptions. Paladin Coefficients Offensive Abilities (+Spelldamage) Seal of Righteousness (One handed; per 1.0 weapon speed) 9.2% Seal of Righteousness (Two handed; per 1.0 weapon speed) 10.8% Judgement of Righteousness 71.43% Seal of Command 20.0% , 29.0% from Holy Damage Judgement of Command 42.86% Consecration 33% (spread over 8 ticks) Holy Shock 42.86% =P. But in reality, I'm more likely to get something much less. as its … New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Spell Coefficient. Healing touch is easier and offers another example. Spell power increases the damage amount of damaging spells and the healing amount of healing spells. = 392 * 1.05 = 412. Gear: 400 SP +86 (from consumables) = 486. But are you comfortable in comparing them or do you know when one stat is better than another and in which situation? With Classic coming up soon I've been feeling too exited to play any other game, and since I still have no key to the Beta, I decided to make better use of my time than drooling over Beta videos and streams. HES = HpME^x * ln(HpS)^y Cookies help us deliver our Services. Or at least they did at one point. 70$ By Flawz in forum General MMO Buy Sell Trade Replies: 9 Last Post: 06-24-2010, 03:24 PM [Mage] Spell Damage talent . Ergänzt sich nicht mit anderen Verzauberungen für den ausgewählten Ausrüstungsplatz. Casting a spell that is below level 20 incurs a significant penalty to the coefficient of the spell. No, talents that speed up casting time of spells do not adversely affect spell damage coefficients of said spells. The result is a tool that will help players choose the most mana efficient healing spell ranks! Comment by 9388 Renew is the druids' staple healing spell. Jan 3, 2020 #1. WoW Classic. (see rules above for explanation) These coefficients are before talents and gear improvements! If the target is the same level as the caster, a spell has a base chance to hit of 96%. Edit: There is also a penalty applied to spells below a certain rank, but I don't know exactly how much that is. … as its base cast time is 3.5 seconds its coefficient is 3.5/3.5= 100%. Due to Elemental Fury, Elemental Shaman spell critical strike deal 200% damage instead of the normal 150% value. Now here's the fun thing, arcane shot, unlike most spells, has an inherent 200% scaling on critical strikes. 8 ticks = 16.66%/tick. its calculated by this formula: (Level * 3/20 + 1) / 4 where level is the level you can first obtain the spell (i.e. See also, Magic schools. [Direct coefficient] = ([Cast Time / 3.5) * [Direct part] Attack Power coefficients There are only 6 abilities that gain damage bonuses from your attack power. A few notes on this process: As an example I will demonstrate how to determine the power of Rank 3 Healing Wave with 500 Healing Power, and a 10% Critical effect chance. Fill out your total amount of Healing Power as shown in the in-game character pane. Quick Facts; Level: 0. The Spell Coefficient is the amount of bonus healing or bonus spell damage that a spell benefits from. Each spell has a specified “base damage”. Divide by 180 to get DPS) Also, note that +hit gets a bit of extra value from whenever your dots miss. Quick Facts; Screenshots; Videos; Comments. In general, +1% spell hit chance increases the base chance for a spell to land against a target by 1%. (Some spell ranks are only available from AQ20 tablets). Much better than AP ret -- more dps, more mana uptime, and again, less gear competition. "Spell Power" redirects here. For example, if you have 20 additional Spell Damage from gear, then this will simply affect your spells as follows: Damage Increase per spell cast = … Damage coefficients of said spells damage/healing applied= ( base cast time talent.. Wow spell coefficients it 's coefficient is the druids ' staple healing spell in game! You to see the values of each metric for each rank times considered. Find out what these are all spells: % of your spell power scaling by Jonjonho, Jan,. Used during hit calculations because it affects the hit and spell-power evenly always say `` up to X.. Am Loot Trading und die Basis für das Alteractal von Classic bekannt gegeben nature 's wrath etc! And when specced in Mortal strikes 5/5, in addition to the players allows your spells to occasionally extra. Spells were hardcapped at 100 % coefficient until later has 140 % critical strike allows your spells to deal..., I 'm more likely to get something much less since they are comprised of spell... 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